Truth be told, I've secretly always wanted to do "a day in the life" like a celebrity. Today was the perfect day!
I wasn't aware of the first World Down Syndrome Day, I was in LA LA land getting to know our precious Jordan Grace. I didn't read much about Down Syndrome at all, my focus was truly on my little one, what her personality would be and not comparing her to anyone at all. I wasn't right or wrong. Each individual family, sibling, loved one deals with the cards they are dealt in different ways.
I just have to say this year, we over celebrated, BIG TIME, all day long! Just to make sure we made the past ones and the future ones count.
Bringing awareness is my number one priority these days. The fact that there was an audience and interested parties made our "job" easy. I quote job, because it's not really a job for us, it's our life. It's our reality. How I wish YOU could walk in our shoes. It's truly a marvelous life, it's truly rewarding and incredible.
In the future I will write "If I knew then what I know now" so much to say!
If you are a beautiful pregnant woman expecting your precious one with Down Syndrome reach out to me. I want you to know and to truly BELIEVE life is a billion times better than what you imagine right now in this moment. THIS I PROMISE YOU!
I wasn't aware of the first World Down Syndrome Day, I was in LA LA land getting to know our precious Jordan Grace. I didn't read much about Down Syndrome at all, my focus was truly on my little one, what her personality would be and not comparing her to anyone at all. I wasn't right or wrong. Each individual family, sibling, loved one deals with the cards they are dealt in different ways.
I just have to say this year, we over celebrated, BIG TIME, all day long! Just to make sure we made the past ones and the future ones count.
Bringing awareness is my number one priority these days. The fact that there was an audience and interested parties made our "job" easy. I quote job, because it's not really a job for us, it's our life. It's our reality. How I wish YOU could walk in our shoes. It's truly a marvelous life, it's truly rewarding and incredible.
In the future I will write "If I knew then what I know now" so much to say!
If you are a beautiful pregnant woman expecting your precious one with Down Syndrome reach out to me. I want you to know and to truly BELIEVE life is a billion times better than what you imagine right now in this moment. THIS I PROMISE YOU!