Monday, October 26, 2015

Please DON'T say "I'm sorry"

I speak for myself when I say the above. Please don't say "I'm sorry," yes, I did not see this coming, yes, I wasn't expecting my daughter's life this way and yes, I did go through hardships expecting the unexpected. 

But please from the bottom of my heart I ask for you not to see my daughter for her diagnosis, I ask you to see her for the beautiful human being she is.

Please don't think of what she won't do in your time, but see her for the amazing things she does now, in this moment in time. 

Please don't judge her or compare her, she is unique just as we all are in our own little ways. 

Please don't pity her, her dad, me and especially not her sister, because if you do, we will pity you for not knowing this incredible kind of love. 

Don't ever feel sorry for us, our life is complete, filled with unconditional and unending love. 

Please do see the beauty in having an extra chromosome, and why God created these angels on earth. 

Take the time to get to know someone with Down Syndrome and give them the time of day, your heart will overflow with love you could never begin to imagine. 

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