Saturday, October 15, 2016

Birthday party FUN and hats! 💝

Ana Maria attended a birthday party for one of her friends she's known since kindergarten. 

These girls have known Jordan Grace all her life. They not only accept her, they include her, they go out of their way to play with her. They don't do it to be praised, they do it because they genuinely love her!

It's so heartwarming to see the way these girls swarm toward my baby girl, take her by the hand and let me know they've got her back! I couldn't feel more blessed today by their actions. 

Most times it's not what we say but what we do! And these girls are a great example of what acceptance is.

1 comment:

  1. It is such a sweet picture. I have a picture like this where my sister and I are standing like this. Ah! The day has come that she is getting married and I have decorated the event venue Atlanta for her wedding day. This is so special. Time literally flies.
